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Old 04-08-2012, 05:09 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: NW Indiana
Posts: 386
Default help finding things

Ok, I will admit I have not been on the board in a long time; I have a 3 year old, and I was marathon training, and quilting took a back seat. Since I was here last, the entire format has changed, and I find it confusing. I am hoping it is just a learning curve. I find that now there is a lot to muddle through to get to what I want-ads, lots of little symbols, an entire page of "stickies", etc.
My question is: I can't find some of the boards I used to visit regularly, like classified, freebies, the boards dedicated to certain quilt styles like miniatures or patriotic quilts. Can someone direct me to the boards or tell me if they have been removed? Thanks
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