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Old 04-08-2012, 11:01 PM
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Thankyou to everyone who's contributed to this thread over the weekend - I feel very blessed by all your replies, and the deep sharing that some people have done. It's been fascinating to explore the different reasons people have for a reluctance or inability to finish their quilts. So far they've included: practical reasons such as not enjoying quilting or binding; a sadness to see a project finished; perfectionism - finishing means facing the fact that the quilt has imperfections and the disappointment that goes with that; unfinished business from the past; ADD-type procrastination and lack of focus. In my case, I think the last 2 play a part. It really underlines that we're all different, we all have our own struggles and pains with our creative work, our own reasons for the way we proceed. I'm glad I started this thread - I haven't spent the weekend obsessing about it, but it's been around in my mind, and I feel a bit clearer about the reasons for my own reluctance and anxieties around finishing my work. Now, having got it into the open, I can look at ways of overcoming those tendencies in myself.

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