Old 04-10-2012, 09:56 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Between the dashes of a tombstone
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Ah such great little tidbits of info flitting across the airwaves!
QE your yellow has really turned into the grounding fabric of you quilt. Nice blocks as ususal. OBTW--look at your basket block on the thread. You will see a wonderful contrast with the bright purple fabrics falling into the basket. The background fabric supports the contrast. Try not to overthink the blocks
In the non quilt world, I find yellow to be a funny color to work with. If you paint your walls yellow color changes depending on time of day, but I still love the warmth and sunnieness of it. Dirt shows easily on it, worse than other lighter colors--ask me how I know!! My yellow bath towels so pretty when new have gradually faded to a dingy dull color.
It was Sir Iscac Newton who developed the idea of gravity with the apple falling from the tree.
Not sure about Alabama but most roads in Iowa are on square miles all neatly dividing the farms into nice neat parcels until you get to my corner of the state and yikes be prepared to get lost! Hills, rocks, rivers etc are not conducive to the neat and orderly ideas of men.

And Carrie, your apple tree has great contrast with such pretty fabrics.
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