Old 04-11-2012, 09:38 AM
J Miller
Super Member
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 8,091
Default Musings from the Miller ...... antique machines are better.

I think most if not all of us here own vintage to antique sewing machines. I was poking around the forum and internet today it dawned on me just how durable these machines are.
Those made around 50 to a hundred years plus ago were made to last a lifetime by companies with totally different attitudes than today. Those made around a hundred years ago were made by people that are no longer alive. These old machines have outlived their makers, original owners and some of them have out lived several successive generations of owners as well.
The thing is, with a bit of care and TLC they will sew just as good today as they did in 1960 or 1910 or 1880.

It would be so wonderful if SINGER still made their machines like this, but they don't. I doubt if anyone in three or four generations will be using the computerized plastic junque that is being produced today.

I find that sad, but things change. Sometimes for the better, sometimes not. Perhaps in four generations people will order from an electronic catalog and their clothes, quilts, and other things will be created by a replicator. Somehow that just doesn't appeal to me. I kind of like the idea that a human made my clothes.

Time marches on, I'm stuck in the past.

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