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Old 04-13-2012, 10:56 AM
Hemlock Tea
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My thinking- and I'm no lawyer- is that it's the wording, pictures, etc that are copyrighted- so you can't make a photocopy of a book or pattern and sell or distribute them. The final product of those directions, however, is yours to do with as you please, whatever disclaimer they may want to put on the pattern. It's like a recipe- you can't copyright a recipe, you can only copyright the way it is written- that's why companies like Coca Cola and KFC are so secretive of their ingredients- once the exact formula is out there, there's nothing they can do about competitors using it, and why you can find recipes from books, magazines, etc on websites like, as long as they are not copied word for word from the original source.

I'm not interested in selling things other people have designed, so it's not a big deal to me one way or the other, but I do agree that if they don't want you selling things, they shouldn't publish the pattern...

Again, I'm not a lawyer.
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