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Old 04-14-2012, 07:58 PM
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Default My hubby's a keeper

I do our own taxes (no small task - we own a business). Hubby knows I work hard on them, and I need peace and quiet. I had most of my spreadsheets complete and today needed to sit down and put them together and do the actual taxes.

So he went to work and left me alone to do the taxes (which is what I wanted!)

I sent him a message on facebook "I'm done with taxes, it's safe to come home now".

He arrived about 40 minutes later WITH steaks for dinner.

But wait ... it gets better ....

He asked me if I wanted the steaks tonight or would I rather go a dining room set.

We spent the rest of the evening shopping at 4 stores but sadly did not find what we wanted.

the good news is that my "I just paid the govt a fortune" foul mood vanished.

what a guy!!
(and more shopping tomorrow, one store had closed already and when we looked at their stock online we found several we both liked)
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