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Old 04-15-2012, 05:39 AM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 85

I am a cake decorator by trade. I do remember all of the stink caused many years ago by big corps like Disney with bakeries copying their images which is by the way now non-existent (they simply don't bother any more) as the options for bakeries had expanded over the years via the use of the little plastic toys made just to place on cakes & the use of edible images.
BUT I do remember one thing that our bakery, as well as many others out there looked into the copy-right laws. In order to "break" a copy right there must be 7 changes from the original picture (pattern) and what you have made. In other words, I can take a customer's picture of Mickey mouse, change his hat, change the direction his eyes are looking, change the buttons on his pants, his shoes.....
If bakeries could fight large corporations to the point of making them stop suing bakeries via this method I can't see why it wouldn't work elsewhere.
Personally, if I stumbled across a pattern that I wanted & saw a big old "COPYRIGHT" label on it...I wouldn't buy it.
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