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Old 04-15-2012, 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted by wanda lou View Post
give him lots of love.
This is the best answer. Our pets are so much like humans in a way. They don't always understand what's going on. My son has a dog; an Akita that he has had since it was a pup. He's like my son's baby since he's had no kids. My son had to go away about 3yrs ago and we've been babysitting every since. A few months after my son was gone he had called and we put the phone up to his dog's (Bandit's) ear so he could talk to him. Bandit was so excited. The problem was for weeks after that he was a naughty little dog getting into everything; just like a kid when the dad goes off to sea. We've never made that mistake again. It's been rough because the dog almost died in Sept from bloat which would have killed my son and then we just had him fixed this past week. When I put Bandit in the car after surgery I told him I loved him and he just turned his head away from me. I hurt his male ego. My son comes home in June and I can't wait to see the two of them together after all of this time. He is the best dog and I've been so scared that something would happen to him while my son was gone. He's 7yrs old. I just had an elder care package done on him where the vet checks him for everything, cancer, everything and he got a clean bill of health. So that takes alot of stress of of me and my son. The dog is the first thing he asked about. When he gets home I know my son will be living with me at first but when he moves out my little american eskimo will be at a loss. They are best buds, they even preen each other. I hope things get better and keep on giving the love.
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