Old 04-16-2012, 05:21 AM
Senior Member
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Orfordville, WI
Posts: 363

Good Morning Ladies, It has been a while since I was here, traveling and such. I have really missed you all and your great comments. I use different sized plastic totes to store my WIP in. They are semi-clear with blue lids that
"click" into place so they don't fall open. The handle is on the lid. I can see what is in the tote and it is very portable. After I cut my fabric, it goes into plastic bags, labeled of course, and the notions go into another. Then into a small sized tote. As the size of the finishing project grows, everything goes into a larger tote. When the project gets too big to fit into the tote. The notions and pieces goes back to the small tote and the project goes into a plastic blanket bag. The tote fits fight in too. Everything in one place. Now if I can just remember where that darn place is!!!!! LOL
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