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Old 04-17-2012, 01:14 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
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Here is what I did when I had this problem a few years ago. Take a thick wide roll of clear box tape, tear off in manageable strips and firmly press onto the quilt. Rub gently over the tape a few times. Gently pull off and discard. Repeat. When you have done the entire quilt with the tape, shake a can of Static Guard well, hold the can about 2 feet above the quilt and spray lightly. Then gently take a clean dry washcloth (the pile of the washcloth helps pick up the hairs) and wipe. Shake the cloth into a garbage can. Repeat as needed. Then use the upholstery brush of the vacuum cleaner and go over the quilt. This worked beautifully for me and the Static Guard had no effect on the quilt. I no longer have a cat in the house, but I do try and make sure to shut the sewing room doors so the little doggies don't sneak in there.
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