Old 04-18-2012, 03:26 PM
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Thanks.DH is working hard to get new place done before we move.Painting etc is always easier when house is empty.We have a lot sorted,more to go.Weather has helped so much,with a beautiful March & nice Spring.The last of my sewing stuff has been moved....now I need lights for new basement sewing room.Wish we'd tossed a lot of stuff yrs ago.DH is the original pack rat.Just sorting thru tools etc is a major undertaking.Ah,well.It will be
done when it's done.

5151015]Hi all, Cindy, thanks for instructions re multiple mailings. I regret that I didn't know that, but hope you were able to figure it out. I'll make it clearer in future mailings. Mailing 3 was same cost as mailing 1.
I'm back from all travels to cities for a few months so I'll be able to focus on my weight loss plan and of course more quilting and sewing too.
Plainpat, you have my empathy. It's hard to have to go through stuff to downsize. I had to do it when I moved from Knoxville to Duluth MN. Argh! It's a big job. Now I can say I'm happier but it took time. I wish you well.[/QUOTE]
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