Old 04-19-2012, 02:43 AM
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Missy you are truly an inspiration. I hope every one is doing well halfway through the month-really??? I am really nervous about tomorrows weigh in, our 1st since the beginning of the newest session of Biggest Losers at work. Last session was the first time we've ever had 2 young girls and a young guy, none who needed to lose more than a total of 5 pounds join. Of course they won. Since the contest is based on percentage lost they killed us fatties. Now I know this is a personal journey and all but if you are competing it should be fair. Well, one of the girls who is in her 20's and lost her 5 pounds last time has joined again. We're not oblivious to the irony of this but Claire, who is about my age and weight and is the one organizing Biggest Losers actually went to HR to see if there was a politically correct way to discourage individuals who don't have at least 10 pounds to lose from joining. IMHO there is a reason they only have people who actually need to lose weight competing on the television program. Anyway, in an effort to at least be competitive I got in the bad habit of only eating enough calories each day to cover the amount of calories burned off with exercise. Not only is this unhealthy but towards the end my weight loss had slowed considerably. So, I am pushing the calories up to 1,000 a day this week with the intention of adding more until I am back up to 1,200 per day. I am doing 6 hours of cardio per week and strength training 3 times a week. We did add a prize this time for the person who loses the most pounds-unbelievably there was a complaint from one of our thin competitors that this wasn't fair because we don't all start out at the same weight. He got over ruled. Too bad he couldn't wrap his head around the fact that it may not be fair for him to lose 3 pounds and 10% of his body weight and my 3 pounds may count for way less than half of that-after all we don't all start at the same percentage either. Sorry for moaning-regardless I need to hang in there and do MY best. It's about me and my journey back to better health.
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