Old 04-19-2012, 04:04 AM
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Originally Posted by SulaBug View Post
The Doll Quilt that I made for my partner, Modennie aka: Maureen, went out in today's mail. The postal clerk said she should get it in three days!! Yeah........I finally got it done & I sure hope she likes it, as much as I love the one she has already sent to me!!
Hi SulaBug! Thanks so much for the update! I am so excited...I know I am going to LOVE the Doll Quilt you made for ME!!!! Upon receipt, I will be sure to send you and Krystyna a PM and will post a picture on the board for everyone to see. My mail runs late in the afternoon and I have an afternoon appt tomorrow, so if it arrives Friday as scheduled, I will let you know as soon as I get home! Doing the Happy Dance here!

Not sure if I will be able to participate in the May Doll Swap as I have tenosynovitis in my right thumb/wrist (dominant hand of course )...so very painful and swollen! Now wearing a wrist brace and prescribed some meds to reduce the swelling and hopefully the pain. I cannot do anything involving my thumb...something as simple as picking up a cup of coffee causes excrutiating pain...! I am going to follow doctors orders for a few weeks in hopes that the pain and inflamation resides. I will continue to follow the board, henpecking the computer keyboard...LOL! Please excuse any typos!!!
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