Old 04-20-2012, 06:25 AM
Pam H
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Wisconsin
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Maggiemay, so sorry about the loss of your nephew. That is so very sad for your whole family.
I have some sad news also. I haven't given an Ethan update for a while. Ethan is my great nephew. He started having seizures just over a year ago. He was just diagnosed with Batten Disease. It starts with losing vision, then seizures, then they lose the use of their legs, then dementia, then they become bedridden with a feeding tube and then death. No one has ever survived with this disease. Ethan will be 4 next month. The disease is progressing so rapidly that they don't expect him to live much over a year. We are all praying that his siblings (1 yr old twins) do not have the disease also. They recently weaned him off of the horrible ketone diet where he was forced to eat mainly fat and protein. This past week he started back on sugar. The picture of him eating his first chocolate chip cookie was priceless. I am hoping to do a benefit this summer to help with the medical bills that are becoming overwhelming for his parents. Sorry for the huge downer but several people here have been praying for Ethan since last fall.
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