Old 04-21-2012, 04:06 PM
Jim's Gem
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Camarillo, California
Posts: 35,242

So sorry to hear of your nephew Maggie May. Such a tragedy!!!
And Pam with your Ethan. My prayers are with the family. It must be extremely difficult to see a young child suffer like that.
It is a gorgeous day here today. I got DH to "walk" me around the block. It was a nice walk and we talked to a couple of neighbors. Wish I could get this chair in an out the door by myself!!!!! I had been stuck inside since Tuesday. Maybe tomorrow I can get him to take me around the block again or even park me out back so I can get some beautiful fresh air.
I good friend came over and visited with me for a couple hours today. I think my oldest daughter is doing dinner tonight but we have not heard what or when. If she doesn't, we have some left-over chicken from last night's dinner to eat.
I have some hand sewing I need to work on, a label for a wedding gift (last weekend) and a couple of sleeves so I can hang a couple quilts at our Guild's show next month. My right hand is so bruised from the first 2 failed attempts at getting an IV started that I havn't felt like hand sewing. I'm going to wait until after the 1 week mark before I sit at my sewing machine to sew. I did get a bunch of "kits" cut out last weekend to work on.
I have been able to sleep. I take a Vicodin and half an Ambien and I sleep well for about 4 hours, have to get up and have DH wheel me to empty the bladder and then back to bed for another 3-4 hours. Not bad. Eventually I will need to get off the Ambien again. I don't like to become dependent on it.
Got in the shower this morning and washed my hair, that felt great. It was a lot of hard work getting in there though. Years ago we re-did the master shower, made it bigger, put in a seat and added a second shower head that is hand-held. Let me tell you that that was one of the best decisions we ever made concerning home improvements!!!! There was not way I could have gotten in there myself. I am so thankful that my husband is around and is very helpful! He's wonderful!!!!
I am not going to attempt to go to church tomorrow. Jim has to get there early as he is one of the pastors. I can't get myself out the front door yet, let alone into and then out of the car. Though it is close enough that if I could get out the front door I could almost wheel myself there(I'd be pretty tired though)
I managed to get myself onto the scale today and I am happy. It has me down about 3 lbs since I weighed in last week, even with the cast on my foot. I guess not being able to hit the fridge or the pantry on my own yet has helped with any kind of snacking. I eat what I am served and no sneaking extras!!!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!!!

My newest Grandson, Caleb Austin, was born May 29th. I am now Grandma to 4 precious babies. I am so blessed!!!!
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