Old 04-24-2012, 10:03 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Between the dashes of a tombstone
Posts: 12,716

Thanks again. QNS look for my of my cow and her friends in upcomping blocks. Another cow from this fabric was used in Children's Delight.
Duffy Lyon, the Iowa State Fair Butter Cow Lady, was one special woman. She went to ISU and was encouraged to pursue a degree in art after her display of ice sculptures at a campus event. She met her husband at school. They raised a family of 8 children plus the orphaned 7 or 8 children of a sibling and developed a fine herd of Jersey cows. Google her name and you will come up with lots of images and sites to learn more. I think her legacy will be remembered most with this sculpture sitting atop a hill near her home.[ATTACH=CONFIG]330191[/ATTACH]
QE, notice how real this picture of a fresh cow and her calf is. The position of the cow's tail postpartum and the wobbly legs of a newborn! Just precious. You can almost hear the soft lowing sounds of the mother calling the calf to come closer.

Carrie--the clover fabric is also KT, but from an earlier line "Quilt Connection". One of the nice features of KT fabrics is their ability to mix across collections. This fabric from 10 years ago mixes well with a purple from the Sandhill Plum line.

GGal you make me blush for I know how much I love mirabelle's blues and roses.

And did you see the new lurker? Welcome aboard spacebull1. If you are interested in hitching up to our trail ride check out the thread for details. Some of us are right on top of things and post religiously every week. Others, (who moi? as QE would say) sashay in and out at their heart's (or alotted time's) desire.

Attached Thumbnails dl-2-jersey.jpg   dl-jersey-cow-calf.jpg  
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