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Old 04-26-2012, 02:52 PM
J Miller
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Join Date: Feb 2012
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Default My new project: New Home mdl ?????

Yesterday I drove down to a tiny little burg called Modesto and picked up a New Home machine that was advertised on Craigs List. Paid all of $15.00 for it. He was asking $25.00.

Got a good look at it and it's mostly there, only missing one piece on the machine, the stitch length control nob, and the latches on the case.

The machine has it all plus extras.
It was locked up
Bad wiring to a motor that won't run
A rotted rubber belt
Age dried and pealing veneer on the case
Missing latches


A big mouse nest under the machine in the case bottom. No mice though.

Here's the pics:

The wad of pins and needles must have been the doings of the same 2 yo that drew the circles on the case. They also put pins down the oil holes at the needle end of the machine and that is what locked the machine up tight. The minute I cleared them out it rotates easily.

This model was no doubt available as a treadle but this specific machine is an original electric machine. The motor and foot controller is the same ones that my New Home Greyhound has.

The machine came with a bobbin and shuttle and a humongous needle marked "NEW HOME 1/2". Thankfully I do have some 20x1s I've bought for my other New Home.

I've got the machine oiled up and the needle parts off and being cleaned. It won't be hard at all to get it back in sewing condition.
However diagnosing the dead motor is going to be fun. It and the foot controller is still wired with ancient cloth covered wire and cloth tape. Somewhere in the machines long life someone altered the wiring. My guess is the original wiring rotted away and the connectors were damaged. So along comes some ingenious fellow and alters the works.
I may simply rewire it with good wire using the existing connectors, then again I might return it to something closer to original. I do have the other New Home to use as a pattern.

Oh, I've also decided to name the machine "Minie" as in Minie mouse. Um for obvious reasons.

Now I just need a lead on where to go to figure out what the model # and/or name is to it.
The only markings I've found are on the front slide plate and the machined area under it: AB 5043 on the plate, 5043 under the plate.
Can someone direct me to the info I need?

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