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Old 04-28-2012, 10:34 AM
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Location: slaton, texas
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"Food motivated" is an understatement!!!! My daughter has had 2 and they will go to any lengths to get food. Have you seen the pet commercial where the dogs push a stool over to get up on the table and a box on top of the table to reach the cabinets? That is what one of my daughters beagles did. If there was any unattended food of any kind, anything edible, she would find a way to get into it. As soon as she was let out of the house she would head to a spot in the fence and be gone before anyone even had an inkling. The second one, they got from the local pound. The animal warden said that they had him several times. His owners just quit coming to get him so my daughter took him home. He was a very sweet smart little dog but if he got the chance he would be out and gone in a flash. People were always calling her and saying they had her dog. He got hit by a car a few weeks ago. He had gone blind but still had itchy feet. He couldn't see the car.
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