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Old 04-30-2012, 12:01 PM
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Posts: 374

I stand corrected....we were just behind in the 60's and early 70's in know, out of touch.
We were still doing "Moron" jokes there. I suspect we weren't as sophisticated as the rest of the country.
Most didn't use the N word either, if anyone did....they were frowned upon.
I am of the opinion "politically correct" is total poop invented by the Clinton administration to cover his flubs.

My father was 10 months old when he contacted polio in 1910. Seeings how Salk wasn't even born yet, the only thing the doctors could do when his legs drew up, they cut the cords at the back of his knees making it impossible for him to walk without throwing his legs and locking his knees. He had to use a cane his whole life. He hated the word "Crippled" and it was not allowed in the house. We saw people make fun of him behind his back. When anyone would say anything to us 4 girls, we would just ask them if their father was a concert pianist who could play Tiko-Tiko or Flight of the Bumblebee without the music in front of them. Believe me, I know your plight but I never reprimanded anyone for using a word.
I think I'd be safe in saying no one on this board thinks of your children as being retarded. That hasn't been used in years. They are such special children that it would be cruel indeed and I can't think of anyone on here being that cruel. We might not be perfect but we do have values.
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