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Old 04-30-2012, 09:09 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 17,828

Welcome Back, TDT!!!

We've got lots of threads for you to read and catch up on ...... and avoid all the things you don't want to do!

I will say THANK YOU for your persistance in getting all the PP patterns done. I have PPd EVERY block ... even the ones that you said we couldn't!! Yup!!! All has been well laid out, and easy to follow ... and I especially like your little diagrams of the PP layouts. They have been a blessing!

If you want a shortcut to seeing everything ... check out the two milestone threads. ONe with the first 15 blocks, the other with the first 30!!!

Please encourage Laurie to drop by and chat with us! ... and I'm looking forward to seeing what additional pics you have to show us!
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