Old 05-02-2012, 05:58 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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Some files from emblibrary.com can only be downloaded zipped; trust me I have plenty. I save them to a folder named orders in my free 5D basic software that came with my Viking. As I download them even if it's a zipped folder I'll rename it to what ever it is; if it's a folder it might say "easter" anything so that I know. Then once they are all down I just double click on the zipped folder, I don't have to do any extracting; they are there. I have them on pc's with Vista, XP and Win 7 and I do this on all pcs. Then I can see what they are and I do a save as and rename them so that I see that and not a number as the name. I then put it in a folder marked in it's category, Kids, FLS, Holidays (which would have sub-folders with the holidays in it). Then I can see what I have and if I want them on my machine I plug in my USB and either 'save as' to it or drag and drop. If you dont' have any software, which I was surprised lately to find some machines don't come with any there are some freebees out there. The one that I'm going to get this weekend is ERA Universal. It is free unless you want to order the Cd and it's 15. I've heard it was worth it because it has a printable manual and help installing program on it. I'm getting it because it does more than my basic allows me and I can't afford the bigger 5D for a while yet. I hope this helps and good luck with it all.
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