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Old 05-05-2012, 09:41 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Greenville, South Carolina
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To those of use who say you don't use pincushions, just listen to my story. I always kept a pincushion at my sewing machine, but when I sewed in the living room or den, I just stuck my pins into the arm of the overstuffed chair or sofa, and thought nothing of it. One night my husband was reading in bed, and I was doing my hand sewing. Out of habit, I stuck my pins into the mattress. Before long, we both felt dampness under us. You guessed it, we were sleeping on a waterbed, and had to unmake the bed so we could patch the mattress and then remake the bed. Enough said. Never again. Now I almost always use a pincushion.
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