Old 01-21-2008, 04:01 AM
vicki reno
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I don't belong to a guild, othere than this one. This is the way friends and cooleagues treat each other, not the way "big mouth" is doing it. I have a supervisor who has the same attitude. If you still get something meaningful out of it, then don't let her stop you from attending and participating. But if all it fosters is insecurity and self doubt, then stay away and enjoy this one. JUst think, there is always someone here 24/7 to encourage and help you, and NEVER criticize in a hateful or mean way. We all know, like Tim says, what our mistakes and/or flaws are. Its none of their business, unless soemone appointed them the "quilt police." "Big mouth" is not what a guild is suppose to be all about.
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