Old 05-07-2012, 10:07 AM
mrs. fitz
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: West New York, New Jersey
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I do one craft show a year, local, indoors in a building mall where there are restaurants and few shops open. The show is held on Sunday with the advantage of people having brunch are likely to walk around and see what's for sale. It's in the fall and people are thinking holidays. I usually do pretty well, at least enough to satisfy me and make some money for more fabric (of course). You'd think Mother's Day season would be good but I've heard that isn't the case. Plus there has to be advertising - local newspapers, flyers, word of mouth. Notices on public bulletin boards like the supermarket. Hope your show happens again with better results.

A friend said in her experience the people who look and say "you do beautiful work" don't buy and son of a gun, I noticed she was right. So just smile, answer questions, and hope for better. Wish you good luck for next time; try it at least once more.
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