Thread: cutting strips
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Old 05-07-2012, 04:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Prism99 View Post
Use a June Tailor Shape Cut Plus ruler. Here is a link to one on Amazon:

All you need to do is line up the fold of the fabric with a line on the ruler. The smaller Shape Cut is not as good because you need to fold the fabric twice and line up both folds. With this ruler, you can stack fabrics as long as the folds are lined up an equal distance from each other and at least one of the folds lines up with a line on the ruler.

The slots really help with keeping the cuts straight. What determines whether or not you get the dreaded "V" in a strip is how accurate you are cutting 90 degrees from the fold. It actually has nothing to do with pulling threads or cutting on the straight grain of a fabric. You can cut straight bias strips from fabric -- which is about as far from on-grain as you can get!

Edit: I should add that cutting exactly on the grain is not actually that important for quilting. The only reason to be concerned about grain is if your strips are going to distort while you are sewing and ironing. If I heavily starch fabric before cutting, I find that even totally bias cut strips do not distort on me while I work with them. Grainlines are much more important when sewing clothing, as it affects the drape of the clothing.
I have this and I love it! I use it for all my strip cutting. I have a Go and all the strip dies (because I HAD to have them!) and I have yet to use them. I just always pull out my June Taylor. I agree with Prism, I don't straighten up my fabric either. I just make sure that the I line up the ruler with the fold line; otherwise you will get those awful wonky cuts in your strips! I am a steadfast prewasher. The chemicals in the fabrics make my hands itch and break out so bad if I don't. I do enjoy washing the fabrics and ironing them and I have never had an issue with bleeding because I know before I put a fabric into my quilt whether it will bleed or not.

Last edited by auntpiggylpn; 05-07-2012 at 04:27 PM.
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