Old 05-07-2012, 06:17 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
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A thank you goes to................The Campbell's in Ok......73---. I don't know your screen name, however let me say that my package is wonderful. Not only did it contain a Moda Love pincushion but also the directions so I can attempt making one. Oh but there is more, inside an organza bag is: Klasse needles, a needle threaders with a cutter (How cute is that), an emery strawberry, udderly smooth cream and in addition, an information sheet explaining machine needles. I appreciate all the items, thank you so much. Please PM me with your screen name. We had a bad storm on Fiiday receiving 5 1/2 inches of rain in 3hrs. We had water in our basement so I haven't been on the Internet . In addition painters were here today and in the mix of the basement mess we had to empty that room of items including the closet. I would of liked to of taken a pic however the printer isn't connected and that printer is the only one that has a slot for a sims card. But everything is perfect..........the stitching looks like it might be a Viking.???? Calla
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