Old 05-08-2012, 05:27 AM
Brandonsnana's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Springfield NH
Posts: 66

I have done craft shows for over 10 years and have found that shows in the Spring and Summer generally garner a lot of 'lookers' not many buyers. The shows we do in the fall leading up to Christmas are the best attended shows with folks spending money. We actually stopped selling at shows any other time of year, it's a waste of time and it doesn't matter how many years the show has been in existence. Selling cheaper is not the answer either. Shows need to be well advertised and stay away from shows that include 'flea market' and 'white elephant' tables. The shoppers at those shows are looking for bargains and handmade crafts are not bargains. We have had great success at Sunday only shows providing they are in the fall season. Marketing makes all the difference and in the past 2 years weI have started selling at shows that charge higher booth fees. The marketing is much better and the shoppers they bring in are definitely motivated to buy - in one case we spent $400.00 (a scary amount when we sent in the check) on the booth space and made 5 x that in sales so it was well worth the initial investment.

As has already been noted, you need an attractive display, tables with cloths and skirts etc. Try setting up your display at home and take pictures, visit other shows and see which booths appeal to you, maybe you could use some of their tricks to display your items. It's also a good idea to have a couple of less expensive items. That often catches shoppers attention and they start to look at your other items.
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