Old 05-09-2012, 06:57 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Duluth MN
Posts: 381

Hi all, I've been super busy this last week. I'm down 1# for 1st week in May Yeah! I'm sewing a little girl's top. First I've done in decades. Can't believe how rusty my sewing skills are. I keep hoping it will be like riding a bike - but not so far. Very frustrating! The good news is that I'm continuing to embroider and did a cute pink elephant. After I finish the top, I'm going embroider something for me. I haven't done that in years. Feels good to be back sewing. My subsidized apt was inspected by city and mgmt persons last week. When the city guy went into my BR - now my sewing area - he went "Wow and called the other guy to come in. He told the mgmt guy that an organized, serious crafter lives here. I was gone but my neighor was there to meet them. She told them I'm a quilter and sewer and they said it was one of the most organized apts they'd seen. I felt pretty good about all my hard work to redo my stash. I've got it all folded & on two shelves in the center of my room. Then all around it I have projects in labeled bins. It's the only way I can keep track of all my UFOs. I passed the inspection thank goodness. I like living here so much and don't want anything to interfere with me being in my home. Still haven't gotten to gym. I see dr next week and will discuss other options w/him. Maybe that will help. I want the weight to come off faster. Is anyone on the new points plus with WW? I did points and lost a lot of weight and wondering if there's a big change from the points when it was points and core program. Please let me know ok?
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