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Old 05-10-2012, 04:11 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 212

Ladies, I'm almost envious that so many of you live in close proximity to so many fabric stores! There are 2 LQS within an hour of my home; the JoAnn's and Hancock's are an hour and a half away and the Hobby Lobby even further! That being said, when I have had to go to the big city, I've run in JoAnn's and Hancock's to look at their fabrics. There seems to be a huge difference in quality here in my area between the box stores and the LQS. Maybe more choices in the box store, but I'll take quality over quantity any day! Prices were comparable, but the quality sure wasn't! I did find the ladies at both box stores to be very helpful, though.
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