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Old 05-11-2012, 02:09 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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Posts: 1,098

I tried to join the queen/king applique contest but something went wrong and PatriceJ apparently didn't get my photos (I had arranged with her that I could send them in early since we were leaving for an extended trip in Africa). I had a friend inquire for me about the contest and was told that NO ONE had entered! I might have used PatriceJ's "other" address.
Also, our computer service was really bad at that time, although my photos seem to go OK. Who knows?!

Even if we have the same contest again I won't enter because I love sharing my quilts with friends and family over the internet and I finished that quilt just before Christmas and wouldn't let anyone take a picture so there would be no chance it would be displayed on the internet. Now, if my service allows, I intend to share it with friends and family. It is an awesome, done with draped fabric with appliques that are individually quilted, dabs of paint, flying butterflys.... all sorts of fun stuff. Four people who saw it, at different times, gasped and said "AWESOME".. that's why I can say it is!

But without the contest I might have diddled over details for the next year, so I'm not sorry I tried to enter it. But I also stumbled on the contest by accident, couldn't find it later when I tried, and was upset by the strict size rule (PatriceJ said I was close enough.... but maybe a helper found me a few inches short (it was 7'x 8').

Maybe there should be a section label that says "Contests". Anyway, it's good to be back home (after 4 months!). Now I've got to get back to my first "African" quilt. Bought fabric in Ghana. Beautiful stuff!!

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