Thread: Fabric overload
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Old 05-12-2012, 05:51 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Lansing, MI
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Our previous Linus coordinator also had a huge stash in a room of her house. She would offer the blanketeers to come over and take what you want to make blankets with. That helped those who couldn't afford to buy fabric but still want to help.

Our group also has a storage unit for storing fabric and extra blankets. The sewing shop we gather at also let's our group store a small supply of fabric to grab when we need it.

I know the storage unit is an expense you don't want to deal with but maybe it would help YOU get back to sewing again.

I commend you for all your hard work. I know our coordinator works really hard but she also makes it fun each and every month we get together.
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