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Old 09-13-2009, 09:33 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In the middle of a mess...
Posts: 20,025

What a world wind trip!
We landed Tuesday night, got to the hotel and had a little bit of sleep. Got in touch with Youme (Panda) so we could meet up.
She is a wonderful person! She brought me prezzies! :) Ok, I brought prezzies for her too!
Courtney and I took her to lunch at the hotel and then out into Tokyo we went. Sure glad one of the 3 of us spoke Japanese! lol
She took us to a wonderful kimono shop. The ladies there were very nice and accomodating to us, even tho they spoke VERY little English and we spoke even less Japanese. Again, thanks to Panda, we had a good time and spent money. Then, off to Fabric Town! WOOHOO! What a place! Tomato is a building that houses 5 floors of fabric. ALL different kinds of fabric! Yes, I said 5 floors! After looking around in there and finding some pretties, Panda had to leave us and go home to her family. We snapped a couple pictures and she was on her way, but not until she let us know which way to go to get back to the train/subway. We found our way back with no problem. Good thing we can read the signs! Oh yea...they had English on them lol
We did go back to both the kimono shop and Fabric Town before we left Tokyo. Didn't get lost getting there either! :)
Tokyo Disneyland was fun. Apparently, Halloween is a big thing in Tokyo/Japan. There were people dressed to the 9's in costumes! Awesome costumes as you can see. That was a FULL day adventure and my body and feet were so glad to be able to rest once back at the hotel.
Tokyo Tower is beautiful. I just wished that we had had a day that was much clearer so we could have seen Mt Fuji. But, oh well.....
All in all, we had a wonderful time and I'm glad to be home in my own bed. Hoping to get back to visit before we leave here.
Enjoy the pictures!
This is all Fabric Town. You can see Tomato.
The Quilting Panda :)

Tokyo Tower
This little/big guy is the mascot of Tokyo Tower. We saw him get onto the elevator and he started waving at us. We got on the next one and tracked him down for a picture.
Tokyo Tower at night [IMG][/IMG]
The view during the day [IMG][/IMG]
They had windows in the floor so you could see down to the bottom [IMG][/IMG]

Tokyo Disneyland
This is just one of the pictures of people who got all dressed up.

Tokyo streets and walking around
Gotta go potty??
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