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Old 05-14-2012, 08:51 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 696

I feel you should take the iron to the local fire department to have them look at it first. The copper wires in it are probably not the right size. Even though the UL label is on it, they could have tested some "special made" irons that had thicker wiring, and when the rest of the irons were made, they used thinner wire. I have read a lot about the danger in overheated wiring even in a house, a house can burn down from faulty wiring. I feel a lot of the items coming out of China are not up to grade and how some of this stuff is approved for sale in this country, I do not know. Let the FEDS
hire some quilters to check things out, and we could fix a lot of stuff. Be safe, all of us. God bless. Be sure to keep us updated on all of this.
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