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Old 05-17-2012, 09:41 AM
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[QUOTE=Holice;5221923]How did you learn to use a thimble? How were you taught to use it?
Any tricks for someone who can't use a thimble but is learning.

My mother bought me a thimble that fit and said, "Use this!" I can't imagine hand sewing without a thimble. I was doing embroidery while I waited at poolside for my great grandchildren one day and at least a dozen children came up and wanted to know what I was doing and what that metal thing on my finger was for. They told me their mothers didn't even know how to sew a button on.

A sewing group to which I belong does a workshop at the end of each summer for kids and their mothers who want to learn to sew. We do really simple projects so they have several things they make to take home. We give a basic sewing machine to one of the participants. You can't believe how many kids have never seen, much less used a sewing machine and how many have never ironed anything. Most of these kids are from upper or middle income families, so it isn't a matter of not having the money for equipment.

No wonder so many people look like they are wearing something out of a rag bag! froggyintexas
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