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Old 05-17-2012, 01:28 PM
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Originally Posted by deplaylady
Would you mind if someone took your pinned work (photos)and used it for cards or other work without your permission? Some people are suing over that.
As well they should. That's copyright infringement, plain and simple. If you took the photo, you hold the copyright on it. Doesn't matter what the subject of the photo was. The photos are used for advertising Pinterest as well, so they are getting a financial gain from the work of people who often have no idea that it was pirated in the first place.

Remember the family Christmas photo that was posted on the web and showed up as a billboard ad along an interstate highway somewhere a couple years ago? Same kind of thing.

The idea of 'if you don't like it, don't post pics' is absurd. Most of the pics posted here were added long before Pinterest ever came into being. It's not so much a question of people copying the photos as much as it's a question of people making money as a result of copying them.

Last edited by ghostrider; 05-17-2012 at 01:35 PM.
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