Old 05-18-2012, 08:21 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Central,CALIF.
Posts: 285

Thanks Bernie, for a positive reply... I'm also a berni...lower case, and no 'e'...You definetly know your Singers, with all that you have! I read some reviews. Most were 5 stars, and 3, if I recall, were 1 or 2 stars..I guess it depends a lot on the people that operate these beasts, and of course, there could be a lemon in any machine, no matter how expensive, or cheap...as we know from our vehicles..
Yes, the larger hoop caught my eye also. I'm loving this embroidery stuff...One 'lower star review', said the hoop was too flimsy to hold the fabric tight...Sooo, that might be something a person should see in person...thanks berni
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