Old 05-19-2012, 07:23 AM
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Originally Posted by DebbieKT
Okay girls! you've got me intrigued! I'm new to QB and have never done a Mystery! But I see other mystery newbies joining in so..I'm gonna close my eyes (after I pick out my fabrics) and just jump on board. I have followed Coopah's advice and subscribed to this link so I hope I don't miss anything! I'm counting on all of you to keep me from falling of the train!
Debbie, I'm new on this mystery ride too, so you've got company. Our co-riders I know will give us all the help we need (I know I'll probably need some!) and won't let us fall. Maybe I'll get brave a post a pic of the fabrics I'm thinking of using. Getting antsy for the 26th to get here!
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