Old 05-19-2012, 08:55 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Duluth MN
Posts: 381

Hi all, I'm slowly recovering after a very rough week re: my illness. Finally started getting out a bit yesterday. My friend and I went to some garage sales and I found one selling quilt fabrics and books. I got 6 books and 54 asst. pcs. of fabric for $6. I could hardly believe it. The fabric pcs range from 1/8 yd to 2 yds ea. Wow, wow, wow! It was so neat and I was so exhausted. But in a good way. My food has been ok but low on veggies cause of a shortage of $$. I do set aside $10/mo for fun and I'm so glad I did. No more $$ this mo so won't be at any more sales. I finally finished girl's top I was sewing for my friend's gd. Glad to have that done. Sun. I'm making her a little purse with an embroidered pink elephant on it. I'm hoping to get to the gym this week if I feel better. Part of my problem is my CPAP failed. When I tried to get co to fix it they treated me like a crazy old lady so I'm in the process of changing company's. Has anyone experienced being put into the "crazy" territory when they have a health problem? I think the health stuff is affecting my weight loss. I just keep reminding me that "this too shall pass" and focus on my next sewing project. When I figure out how to take pics and put them online I'll post some pics. Hope everyone has a terrific week and good results losing weight!
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