Old 05-19-2012, 10:43 PM
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finally moved the old table out. it's amazing how heavy a mahogany table with leaves is! my back is not happy! the new table looked a lot bigger in the store! lol, so now i have to move a sewing desk in. there goes the extra space i gained! unfortunately i have it set up for cutting height and will need to improvize tomorrow for the virtual bee. honestly, why expect it to be easy!?
i bought a dog washer that is really terrific! they say you can wash and rinse your dog in 3 minutes! it may have taken 4, but it was definitely quick and thorough! the ladies look and smell wonderful! but to the not so good news. kitten has a croupy cough and dh fears it is heartworm. i can not lose this little girl! i have had so many deaths in the past year and she is too sweet to lose. but i am trying to be stoic and optimistic that it's just bronchitis or a sore throat. we see the vet monday am at 9:40 est, so if you think of it, beam good thoughts our way! i feel guilty already as i am the one who forgot to get heartworm medicine, and with dh's cancer, etc it slipped through the cracks! we took the ladies for a walk to help them dry off. i can handle kitten, but as i suspected monkey pulls too hard on the leash and my back can't take it. on the super positive side, i got a good walk in! were thinking of making saturday bath day and family walk. fortunately the cats were inside asleep or they would have joined us, i am fearful they will get hassled by other dogs or into the street. ah, family life in suburbia!
today i ate real food! felt wonderful, but still can chew on only one side. it is getting better and was not the ordeal i had feared! i have been consuming a fair amount of sugary stuff (sherbet and ice cream) but very little fat. i will weigh when i get up. my clothes feel loose.
jlwheart- health problems sure are the pits! remember we used to say "as long as you've got your health!" little did we know! all we can do is our best with what we have. i feel for you! i hope you are not beating yourself up over it! and i am totally envious of your yard sale score! here the yard sales start at 7 or 8 am and shut down at 12 or 1. not a big enough window for me! and i only remember the thrift store on sunday when it's closed! grrrr. well, i've spent all my ill -gotten gains, so i just need to chill! and use what i have!!! oh, no!! not a buying moratorium!! pout!!
everose-- you are doing a great job! your brother has no idea what you are dealing with! when my sister was dieing my other sister moved to cairo. she had no concept of what we were going through, and would have been ashamed of her callousness. but she didn't know. now she does as she was there for both mom and daddy when they passed. it is different in the trenches!!
i am so looking forward to receiving my skinny quarters from last month! i LOVE brights! i am just naturally loud and in your face friendly! lol, like a bull mastiff puppy! someday i hope to be more of a poodle! eat well, enjoy every mouthful as long as you can, chew, chew, chew! it slows you down, you eat less and it gives your body time to register it is full. and become a heavy drinker-- to become a much lighter drinker!!
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