Old 05-21-2012, 10:07 AM
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I bathe Moira in the tub in the dog's bathroom with a pillow for my knees so it's not too hard on my body. I have a hand held shower for them though I wish it was an eight foot instead of six, but Lily will move if I ask her to. Ria puts on the brakes halfway across the LR when she realizes why we are headed that way, but when told to 'heel' she has to. 'In' and she jumps in and she'll turn on command. The worst part is getting her brushed out and ready. Plus, her shampoo has to stay on for a while to do its thing. I usually have a Rod Stewart CD on for baths and I wait for the length of at least one song. That's about as long as either of us can hold still. Today is the day. My daughter uses Moira's fur to keep the deer away from her apple trees and she needs some more.

Good morning, all. I know it's not morning but it was one of those nights when I refused to go to bed so then I really slept in. I need to change that with warmer weather here.

My weight is holding which is not good, but it's better than gaining. I know I can lose weight in the spring. Now I need to remember how. I looked at an adult tricycle - balance problems from neuropathy make a bicycle scary - but $500 for something seasonal can't happen when I'm saving for a new roof. Besides, that's a lot of yards of fabric.

Off to work outside and I will do some FMQ later. Eat healthy, move your body, drink lots of water (whoops) and do something to deal with stress. I may start taking a short walk without my furgirls for the last one. Tomorrow I will schedule a half hour of exercise with a TV program. Today it'll be pulling weeds. I can name the weeds for my aggravators.

Have a good one,
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