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Old 05-22-2012, 08:40 AM
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Originally Posted by stampinteresa View Post
Neesie, This is such a cool idea.
Last August, several of the ladies in the church association did a quilting camp for girls 8 to 108. They could each make a 4 block lap quilt. The blocks were 12 1/2 finished. They put in sashing and borders. SID and borders.
The youngest just turned 8. The secret to our success was many volunteers, giving each student an adult. I shared myself with two sisters. It was 5 days and two hours. Not good, many days we stayed late or came early to help those who could come.
The only charge was $15.00 to pay for the warm and natural batting. We had lots of donated fabrics that a few of us sorted a head of time.
The girls and adults loved getting to learn to cut the fabrics they chose from the stash. I would have preferred to have premade kits already cut (that we put together ahead of time) and then they could have selected the colors (as they did from the stash). I also cringed at the waste in cutting the batting.
We used the 9 block and patiece corner, two each. We had someone supervise cutting and ironing for safety reasons. Hope this helps. Teresa
Yes! It does help! Thanks! I need all the success stories, I can get. That sounds like so much fun!

Wish I had more people, experienced in sewing, to help. My daughter (27) will be here but she's going to learn to sew, as well. She wasn't interested in it, as a child, so I'm thrilled with her change of heart! Anyway, she'll be able to help me watch those little fingers, around the needle, at least. If I can get her up to speed, before the "camp," maybe we can each take a child and a machine. Hmmmmmm. . . . I need a second chair!!! I KNEW I should've bought two chairs, when they were on sale!

We're probably gonna go with 12" - 15" (finished) blocks . . . and I'm thinking 1/2" seams, to give more "ooops" room. Still trying to decide just how many blocks and the finished size. Guess I need to measure different sizes against my DGD, since she's the tallest.
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