Thread: left handed
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Old 05-23-2012, 09:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Chasing Hawk
We have 7 kids, 4 are lefties. I have 8 siblings, 6 of us are lefties. Our Dad was a lefty and so was his Dad.

And I am a Lefty too.

Nice little Club to belong to.
To quote Betty Edwards who wrote "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" "Left-handed individuals were once thought to be the converse of right-handers in terms of brain organization: verbal functions are in the left hemispheres of right-handers, and it was thought that verbal functions were in the right brain of left-handers. But recent research indicates that most left handers, like right handers have verbal function in the left hemispheres. An exception to this finding is that left handers ....whose mothers were left handed may possibly have verbal functions in the right brain." This is pretty kewl when you think a left handed child with a left handed mother has the advantage when it comes to verbal creativity and doesn't have to fight the left hemisphere when it comes to non-verbal creativity (quilting, painting, drawing) I had to train myself to flip over to right hemisphere in college art classes. This individual wouldn't have to be burdened with that step.
Are your 4 lefties very creative? Can they solve problems easily? I have a nephew that was amazing to watch as he couldn't get anything past that kid.
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