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Old 05-25-2012, 09:27 AM
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Default Childhood Memories

I love to hear the kind of things people did when they were kids. So let's share some fun stories.

I remember playing games when I was in grade school that you just don't see anymore. Blindman's bluff / Drop the Hankie / Freeze tag/ Mother May I? /Green Light Red Light/ Red Rover/ I learned to do cat's cradle in 3rd grade. I still do that one with the kids sometimes. I remember playing chess in the gym on rainy days. We had to make our own fun.

I had a window in my bedroom that had a screen you opened by sliding sideways. We used to have one person at the window as the clerk and the rest of us would ride bikes up to the window and "buy" mint water. I dissolved mints in water and that was our product to sell. LOL

I also spent alot of time climbing in the old oak tree in our back yard. I rigged a pully so I could bring up things in a bucket into the tree. One branch was the living room one branch was a bedroom one was the kitchen and so on. I spent a lot of time playing in the tree. And had lots of spider bites because of it. But it never made much difference to me. They weren't much more than a mosquito bite.

Hope you share some of your childhood memories!!
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