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Old 05-25-2012, 09:55 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Peru, Indiana
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We used to play jail break. From the alley that cut our block in half to end of the block were our limits. All of my cousins would come over and we'd run and hide, get caught and go to "jail" then wait for our team to break us out. I think we only got to do this because that entire half of the block was really kid friendly and didn't mind us in thier yards!

Fishing is one of my most loved childhood memories, It was always the best day when my dad would take me (he's a truck driver so only home about 8 days a month). We'd get loaded up head to the river, he'd bait my hook *cuz at 8 I thought worms were gross lol* and we'd sit and wait..... well he'd sit, I'd go explore the river bank, woods, need something from the car, anything to keep from sitting still! When something bit it was like we were fishing for sharks out in the middle of the ocean, it was such a big to-do When we managed to pull it in we'd ooh and ahh and take a picture with whoever caught it holding it ( didn't matter if it was a guppy or a monster they all got the same amount of enthusiasm) and then throw it back. Now those were the days I only hope we give our son equally great memories.
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