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Old 05-27-2012, 08:33 AM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Winter Park, Florida
Posts: 82

I grew up here in Orlando, Fl and I can remember going outside barefooted in the rain and sitting on the curb of our brick paved street and watching the leaves stick to my feet as the water ran over them-wouldn't do that now, too dirty. There was a woods on our street with a clearing in the middle and a tree that had fallen down. My girlfriend and I would sit there on our way home from school and then gather wild flowers to take to our moms-wouldn't be safe to do that now, either. Building Christmas tree forts in the empty lot across the street with the other kids in the neighborhood;playing hide 'n seek until after dark waiting for my dad to whistle for me to come home;blocks of ice cream wrapped in waxed paper from the ice cream truck or maybe a fudgesicle or dreamsicle;pronto pups at the Central Florida Fair and the man that had a big paint brush full of mustard he would slather on the pups-yum! Sewing clothes for a plastic doll I had from bits of fabric leftover from anything my Mom had made;Pick up sticks, Jacks and roller skating with the skates that used a key and you had to have shoes with leather soles for them to grab on to. Skinned knees, sore tail bones, chicken pox and mumps. Such sweet memories. (LOL)
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