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Old 05-27-2012, 05:16 PM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 45

I have so enjoyed reading all the stories. I hardly ever read a fiction book so these "true stories" I find so very interesting. I am one of eight children and I am #4 (you know what they say about middle children and it seems to fit me all too well). I have a sister that is only 13 months younger than me and the oldest boy in the family was three years younger than me. (6 girls and 2 boys). I was raised in dairy country in northern Ohio. We used to have ice cream socials that were the best times ever. I made up games for my brother and sister. We played newspaper reporters. We would carry around a newpaper and interview trees, dogs, gas pumps, sheds, tractors and some times pigs. After we did our interviews we all sat down together and told stories about the things we interviewed. I think I came up with this idea from "Superman". I made up so many games for us to play . . . what fun it was because I made up the rules and they followed me around the farm like I was a queen. Didn't realize what a fond memory we were making. We used to play a game that our cousin from the city always wanted to play when they visited. I believe it was called "Annie Annie Over". Does anyone remember such a game? We used bean bags that my mother made for us. We would get on opposite sides of a building and try to throw the bean bags over the roof. I think we must have had lots of bean bags on the roof. What fun we had and we always worked from the time I can remember. We weeded garden, picked wild berries and mushrooms that Mom used to sort through because we just picked what we thought were mushrooms. We used to attempt to ride a cow now and then. Long walks in the woods and catching fire flies in the evening. We didn't realize how fortunate we were and didn't know we didn't have much money, but what we had was priceless. Thanks everyone for sharing. I look forward to reading more stories.
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