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Old 05-30-2012, 08:12 PM
Grace creates
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Hampstead N.C.
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My poor Dad has been affected with dementure. On one occasion he was having a really rough time and had to move from Florida to NY. Well this was a tough trip, but we do still have to look for humor even in tough times. The GPS was confusing my sisters and my Dad yelled will someone tell that stupid lady in the box to shut the hell up. It was a laugh and we explained to my Dad about the GPS.

When I was a kid and not wanting to go to sleep my Dad told me the sandman was coming and he would put sand in all the kids eyes who were still awake. Little he knew I believed him and would try so hard to stay up so I could confront this sandman, or if he was really scary run and hide from him. Either way I was putting tons of effort to not fall asleep.

I refused to eat rock candy as I thought it was rocks. A nice old lady tried giving me some when I had a cough and I said no and held me mouth shut.
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