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Old 06-01-2012, 05:35 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2011
Location: League City, Texas
Posts: 504

I love pin cushions. The ideal thing for your long arm is the magnetic bowl that car mechanics use. I have two of them. I got them at WalMart in the autimotive section for $6.00 ea. They are very strong will hold tight to the bars or table of your long arm even through the canvas. The dealer I bought my longarm told me about them and they are great. I also love the decorative pin cushions. I have one that looks like a big stuffed chair and the seat actually raises to put thing in it then I have a fuzzy high heal stellot that is just for looks and the smaller magnetic ones. One is on my cutting table, the other on my sewing table.
Originally Posted by feline fanatic View Post
I have 2 pin cushions but wish I had a 3rd for my LA room, the kind with an elastic band you can stick on your wrist like tailors use. I hate using the little plastic box. To me it is so much easier to grab one pin at a time from a cushion.
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