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Old 06-02-2012, 06:13 AM
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Default Have to Share an I won moment.

I entered a contest on a FB fan page with a local tv station in Portland to win a set of tickets to The Oregon Jamboree, a local country music festival in our area. So yesterday I get a text, because it was an enter by text contest that I had won. Yippee! I had to call in and say the word Jamboree and they are mailing my tickets. I only entered on a whim and didn't check the dates. It is the same weekend i'll be finishing up my week of house/dog sitting. Talked to my friend and they plan on being back by that Friday, so I may miss those shows but I won't miss the one I really want to see on Saturday.
Pretty cool for someone who never wins anything.
Two country music festivals in a month awesome. I also voluteer at one in Brownsville so I get to see those acts to.
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