Old 06-03-2012, 03:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Candace View Post
I'm considering it! I'd have to find some good quality felt locally. I'd love them to actually match the body color of my machines so they blend in. But, yes, Joe has the idea about the colors. If I had a red machine it would be great, but I'd love some that actually didn't stand out so much. I'll have to see what kind of felt product I can find and how much it would cost etc. etc.

I am perfectionist too and would rather pay a little for something than have it be all wonky and take an hour to do!
So, why don't you all just crochet some of the little thread spool pin doillies that Glenn posted a pattern for a while back? I know Janis, Kathie, and probably a whole lot of other people make them! That way you can make them to match each machine - besides, they are so much cuter than the red felt thingys!

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